
For working professionals who want to stay organized, our assistant tackles your distractions while you focus on your goals.

Project Objectives

SMART: specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound.

  • Conduct a 3-week research phase involving 1-1 interviews and surveys with a sample size of 100 students and rising professionals to identify three new current findings about barriers to student productivity.
  • Create and iterate value propositions that address shortcomings in current productivity methods, ensuring relevance to the project.

December 12, 2023: Develop a low-fidelity prototype for user testing.

March 5, 2024: Complete the high-fidelity prototype.

March 19, 2024: Produce a product poster. 

April 16, 2024: Create a product commercial.

An achievable long-term outcome.

  • Conduct thorough research to understand motivational distractions affecting productivity.
  • Design a solution customized for the market, incorporating unique features to for clear differentiation
  • Maintain a problem-based approach rather than being solely focused on solutions.
  • Generate marketing materials that effectively communicate the problem, ideation process, and proposed solution.
  • Improve prototypes based majority on user testing and feedback.
  • Embrace failure, work as a team, and drink coffee!

Project Goals